On the 31st August all partners of COVend had a successful online meeting marking the official Kick-Off of this new Horizon 2020 project which will run until August 2024. All 17 partners came together to discuss the project scope, objectives, timeline, dissemination plan, and other practical issues.

COVend, which is coordinated by Professor Kai Zackarowski of University Hospital Frankfurt (DE), will study the influence of COVID-19 on endothelial cells (ECs) and the potential protective effect of FX06, and will apply -omics technologies, generate new algorithms and open-source software to carry out data analytics and modelling, and will develop health economic models to assess the socio-economic benefits and cost effectiveness of the new therapy. The COVend consortium unites expertise from different disciplines, including (cell) biology, ICT expertise for AI based evaluations, pharma, economics and social sciences, as well as clinical expertise from 14 European countries.